Flea beatle measurements

Dataset from R package tourr

  • tars1, width of the first joint of the first tarsus in microns (the sum of measurements for both tarsi)
  • tars2, the same for the second joint
  • head, the maximal width of the head between the external edges of the eyes in 0.01 mm
  • ade1, the maximal width of the aedeagus in the fore-part in microns
  • ade2, the front angle of the aedeagus ( 1 unit = 7.5 degrees)
  • ade3, the aedeagus width from the side in microns
  • species, which species is being examined - concinna, heptapotamica, heikertingeri
using Clustering
using GeometricClusterAnalysis
using Plots
using Random
using RCall
using Statistics

Julia equivalent of the scale R function

function scale!(x)

    for col in eachcol(x)
        μ, σ = mean(col), std(col)
        col .-= μ
        col ./= σ

scale! (generic function with 1 method)
function plot_pointset(points, color)

    p = plot(; framestyle = :grid, aspect_ratio = true)

    for (i,c) in enumerate(unique(color))

        which = color .== c
            points[which, 1],
            points[which, 2],
            color = i,
            markersize = 5,
            label = "$i",


    return p

plot_pointset (generic function with 1 method)
dataset = rcopy(R"tourr::flea")
points = Matrix(Float64.(dataset[:, 1:6]))
labels = collect(enumerate(unique(dataset[:, 7])))

true_colors = zeros(Int, length(dataset[:, 7]))
for i in eachindex(true_colors, dataset[:, 7])
    for j in eachindex(labels)
        p = labels[j]
        if p[2] == dataset[i, 7]
            true_colors[i] = p[1]


dataset = tourr::flea
true_color = c(rep(1,21),rep(2,22),rep(3,31))
P = scale(dataset[,1:6])
col_kmeans = kmeans(P,3)$cluster
col_kmeans = @rget col_kmeans
println("NMI = $(mutualinfo(true_colors, col_kmeans))")
[1] 0.8249883
NMI = 0.8249883014016558
l = @layout [a b]
p1 = plot_pointset(points, true_colors)
p2 = plot_pointset(points, col_kmeans)
plot(p1, p2, layout = l, aspect_ratio = :equal)
Example block output

K-means from Clustering.jl

features = collect(points')
result = kmeans(features, 3)
println("NMI = $(mutualinfo(true_colors, result.assignments))")
NMI = 0.8249883014016558
l = @layout [a b]
p1 = plot_pointset(points, true_colors)
p2 = plot_pointset(points, result.assignments)
plot(p1, p2, layout = l, aspect_ratio = :equal)
Example block output

K-means from ClusterAnalysis.jl

import ClusterAnalysis

flea = rcopy(R"tourr::flea")
df = flea[:, 1:end-1];  # dataset is stored in a DataFrame

# parameters of k-means
k, nstart, maxiter = 3, 10, 10;

model = ClusterAnalysis.kmeans(df, k, nstart = nstart, maxiter = maxiter)
println("NMI = $(mutualinfo(true_colors, model.cluster))")
NMI = 0.8249883014016558
l = @layout [a b]
p1 = plot_pointset(points, true_colors)
p2 = plot_pointset(points, model.cluster)
plot(p1, p2, layout = l, aspect_ratio = :equal)
Example block output

Robust trimmed clustering : tclust

dataset = tourr::flea
P = scale(dataset[,1:6])
tclust_color = Int.(rcopy(R"tclust::tclust(P,3,alpha = 0,restr.fact = 10)$cluster"))
println("NMI = $(mutualinfo(true_colors,tclust_color))")
NMI = 1.0
l = @layout [a b]
p1 = plot_pointset(points, true_colors)
p2 = plot_pointset(points, tclust_color)
plot(p1, p2, layout = l, aspect_ratio = :equal)
Example block output


This algorithm is not correctly implemented yet

This part is still in active developpement and does not work well. Do not draw any conclusions about the performance of this algorithm from the results obtained below.

Algorithm ToMATo from paper "Persistence-based clustering in Riemannian Manifolds" Frederic Chazal, Steve Oudot, Primoz Skraba, Leonidas J. Guibas

nclusters, k, c, radius, iter_max, nstart = 3, 10, 10, 2., 100, 10
signal = size(points, 1)
col_tomato = clustering_tomato(features, nclusters, k, c, signal, radius, iter_max, nstart)
println("NMI = $(mutualinfo(true_colors, col_tomato))")
NMI = 0.911166770886367
l = @layout [a b]
p1 = plot_pointset(points, true_colors)
p2 = plot_pointset(points, col_tomato)
plot(p1, p2, layout = l)
Example block output


nb_clusters, k, c, iter_max, nstart = 3, 10, 50, 100, 10
nsignal = size(points, 1)

function f_Σ!(Σ) end

rng = MersenneTwister(6625)

x = collect(transpose(points))

dist_func = kplm(rng, x, k, c, nsignal, iter_max, nstart, f_Σ!)

distance_matrix = build_distance_matrix(dist_func)

nb_means_removed = 0

threshold, infinity =
    compute_threshold_infinity(dist_func, distance_matrix, nb_means_removed, nb_clusters)
hc =
    hierarchical_clustering_lem(distance_matrix, infinity = infinity, threshold = threshold)
col_kplm = color_points_from_centers(x, k, nsignal, dist_func, hc)
println("NMI = $(mutualinfo(true_colors, col_kplm))")
NMI = 1.0
l = @layout [a b]
p1 = plot_pointset(points, true_colors)
p2 = plot_pointset(points, col_kplm)
plot(p1, p2, layout = l)
Example block output


μ, ω, colors = k_witnessed_distance(x, k, c, nsignal)

distance_matrix = build_distance_matrix_power_function_buchet(sqrt.(ω), hcat(μ...))

hc1 = hierarchical_clustering_lem(distance_matrix, infinity = Inf, threshold = Inf)
bd = hc1.death .- hc1.birth
infinity = mean((bd[end-nb_clusters], bd[end-nb_clusters+1]))
hc2 = hierarchical_clustering_lem(distance_matrix, infinity = infinity, threshold = Inf)
witnessed_colors = return_color(colors, hc2.colors, hc2.startup_indices)
println("NMI = $(mutualinfo(true_colors, witnessed_colors))")
NMI = 0.911166770886367
l = @layout [a b]
p1 = plot_pointset(points, true_colors)
p2 = plot_pointset(points, witnessed_colors)
plot(p1, p2, layout = l)
Example block output


df_kpdtm = kpdtm(rng, x, k, c, nsignal, iter_max, nstart)
distance_matrix = build_distance_matrix(df_kpdtm)
hc1 = hierarchical_clustering_lem(distance_matrix, infinity = Inf, threshold = Inf)
bd = hc1.death .- hc1.birth
infinity = mean((bd[end-nb_clusters], bd[end-nb_clusters+1]))
hc2 = hierarchical_clustering_lem(distance_matrix, infinity = infinity, threshold = Inf)
kpdtm_colors = return_color(df_kpdtm.colors, hc2.colors, hc2.startup_indices)
println("NMI = $(mutualinfo(true_colors, kpdtm_colors))")
NMI = 1.0
l = @layout [a b]
p1 = plot_pointset(points, true_colors)
p2 = plot_pointset(points, kpdtm_colors)
plot(p1, p2, layout = l)
Example block output

Power function Buchet et al.

using GeometricClusterAnalysis

m0 = k / size(x, 2)
birth = sort(dtm(x, m0))
threshold = birth[nsignal]

distance_matrix = build_distance_matrix_power_function_buchet(birth, x)

buchet_colors, returned_colors, hc1 =
    power_function_buchet(x, m0; infinity = Inf, threshold = threshold)
sort_bd = sort(hc1.death .- hc1.birth)
infinity = mean((sort_bd[end-nb_clusters], sort_bd[end-nb_clusters+1]))
buchet_colors, returned_colors, hc2 =
    power_function_buchet(x, m0; infinity = infinity, threshold = threshold)
println("NMI = $(mutualinfo(true_colors, buchet_colors))")
NMI = 1.0
l = @layout [a b]
p1 = plot_pointset(points, true_colors)
p2 = plot_pointset(points, buchet_colors)
plot(p1, p2, layout = l)
Example block output

DTM filtration

m0 = k / size(x, 2)
birth = sort(dtm(x, m0))
@show threshold = birth[nsignal]

distance_matrix = GeometricClusterAnalysis.distance_matrix_dtm_filtration(birth, x)

dtm_colors, returned_colors, hc1 =
    dtm_filtration(x, m0; infinity = Inf, threshold = threshold)
sort_bd = sort(hc1.death .- hc1.birth)
infinity = mean((sort_bd[end-nb_clusters], sort_bd[end-nb_clusters+1]))
dtm_colors, returned_colors, hc2 =
    dtm_filtration(x, m0; infinity = infinity, threshold = threshold)
println("NMI = $(mutualinfo(true_colors, dtm_colors))")
threshold = birth[nsignal] = 2.6665087936017264
NMI = 1.0
l = @layout [a b]
p1 = plot_pointset(points, true_colors)
p2 = plot_pointset(points, dtm_colors)
plot(p1, p2, layout = l)
Example block output

Spectral with specc

spectral_colors = rcopy(R"kernlab::specc(P, centers = 3)")
println("NMI = $(mutualinfo(true_colors, spectral_colors))")
NMI = 1.0000000000000002
l = @layout [a b]
p1 = plot_pointset(points, true_colors)
p2 = plot_pointset(points, spectral_colors)
plot(p1, p2, layout = l)
Example block output