# Who am I ? * My name is *Pierre Navaro* * Scientific Computing Engineer at Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes * Staff member of [Groupe Calcul](https://calcul.math.cnrs.fr) which promote exchanges within the scientific computing community. * **Fortran 77 + PVM** : during my PhD 1998-2002 (Université du Havre) * **Fortran 90-2003 + OpenMP-MPI** : Engineer in Strasbourg (2003-2015) at IRMA * **Numpy + Cython, R + Rcpp** : Engineer in Rennes (2015-now) at IRMAR * **Julia v1.0** since July 2018 French community newsletter about Julia language : https://pnavaro.github.io/NouvellesJulia Slides : https://github.com/pnavaro/JuliaParis2023 This is a joint work with [*Claire Brécheteau*](https://brecheteau.perso.math.cnrs.fr/page/index.html) from Ecole Centrale de Nantes. --- # The $k$-means method Dataset $X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_n$ distribution on $\mathbb{R}^d$ $$ \mathbf{c}= (c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_k) \in (\mathbb{R}^d)^k $$ We look for the centers $\mathbf{c}*$ that minimize the $k$-means loss function $$ \frac{1}{n} \sum\_{i=1}^n \min\_{j=1..k} \|\|X\_i-c\_j\|\|^2 $$ --- # Algorithm * Initialize k centroids. * Calculate the distance of every point to every centroid. * Assign every point to a cluster, by choosing the centroid with the minimum distance to the point. * Recalculate the centroids using the mean of the assigned points. * Repeat the steps until reaching convergence. --- class: center, middle # Lloyd’s algorithm method  --- class: center, middle # Lloyd’s algorithm method  --- class: center, middle # Lloyd’s algorithm method  --- class: center, middle # Lloyd’s algorithm method  --- class: center, middle # Lloyd’s algorithm method  --- # Compute the distance ```julia function euclidean(a::AbstractVector{T}, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {T<:AbstractFloat} s = zero(T) for i in eachindex(a) s += (a[i] - b[i])^2 end return sqrt(s) end ``` ``` euclidean (generic function with 1 method) ``` ## Distances.jl ```julia using Distances euclidean = Euclidean() ``` --- class: middle # Initialize centers ```julia using StatsBase function initialize_centers(data, k) n = size(data, 1) return [data[i, :] for i in sample(1:n, k, replace=false)] end ``` ``` initialize_centers (generic function with 1 method) ``` --- class: middle # Estimate cluster to all observations ```julia function update_labels!( labels, data, centers) for (i, obs) in enumerate(eachrow(data)) dist = [euclidean(obs, c) for c in centers] labels[i] = argmin(dist) end end ``` ``` update_labels! (generic function with 1 method) ``` --- ## Update centers using the mean ```julia function update_centers!(centers, data, labels) for k in eachindex(centers) centers[k] = vec(mean(view(data, labels .== k, :), dims = 1)) end end ``` ``` update_centers! (generic function with 1 method) ``` --- ## Compute inertia ```julia function compute_inertia(centers, labels, data) inertia = 0.0 for k in eachindex(centers) cluster = view(data, labels .== k, :) inertia += sum(euclidean(p, centers[k])^2 for p in eachrow(cluster)) end return inertia end ``` ``` compute_inertia (generic function with 1 method) ``` --- # $k$-means ```julia function kmeans( data, k; maxiter = 100, nstart = 10) n, d = size(data) opt_centers = [zeros(d) for i in 1:k] # allocate optimal centers labels = zeros(Int, n) # initialize labels opt_inertia = Inf for istart in 1:nstart centers = initialize_centers(data, k) for istep in 1:maxiter old_centers = deepcopy(centers) update_labels!( labels, data, centers) update_centers!(centers, data, labels) centers ≈ old_centers && break end inertia = compute_inertia(centers, labels, data) if inertia < opt_inertia opt_inertia = inertia opt_centers .= deepcopy(centers) end end update_labels!( labels, data, opt_centers) return opt_centers, labels end ``` ``` kmeans (generic function with 1 method) ``` --- ```julia using Plots, CluGen o = clugen(2, 3, 1000, [1, 1], pi / 8, [10, 10], 10, 2, 1) # cluster generation centers, labels = kmeans(o.points, 3) scatter( o.points[:,1], o.points[:,2], group=labels) scatter!( Tuple.(centers), m = :star, ms = 10, c = :yellow, label = "centers") ```  --- class: middle # Noisy circle ```julia using Random rng = MersenneTwister(72) function noisy_circle(rng, n, noise=0.05) x = zeros(n) y = zeros(n) θ = LinRange(0, 2π, n+1)[1:end-1] for i in 1:n x[i] = cos(θ[i]) + 2 * noise * (rand(rng) - 0.5) y[i] = sin(θ[i]) + 2 * noise * (rand(rng) - 0.5) end return vcat(x', y') end ``` ``` noisy_circle (generic function with 2 methods) ``` --- ```julia points = hcat(noisy_circle(rng, 1000) , 0.5 .* noisy_circle(rng, 500) ) centers, labels = kmeans(points', 2) scatter( points[1,:], points[2,:], group=labels) scatter!( Tuple.(centers), m = :star, ms = 10, c = :yellow, aspect_ratio=1) ```  --- # Topological data analysis # *Data have shape, shape has meaning, meaning brings value.* # Point cloud => Topological descriptor => Inference --- class: center, middle # Build filtered complex of the point cloud  .footnote[figures : [Fredéric Chazal](https://geometrica.saclay.inria.fr/team/Fred.Chazal/)] --- class: center, middle # Build filtered complex of the point cloud  .footnote[figures : [Fredéric Chazal](https://geometrica.saclay.inria.fr/team/Fred.Chazal/)] --- class: center, middle # Build filtered complex of the point cloud  .footnote[figures : [Fredéric Chazal](https://geometrica.saclay.inria.fr/team/Fred.Chazal/)] --- class: center, middle # Example: The Ball-Mapper algorithm [Davide Gurnari](https://dioscuri-tda.org/Paris_TDA_Tutorial_2021.html) --- ```julia import LinearAlgebra: norm function find_centers( points, ϵ ) centers = Dict{Int, Int}() # dict of points centers_counter = 1 for (idx_p, p) in enumerate(eachcol(points)) # Loop over points is_covered = false for idx_v in keys(centers) # Loop over centers distance = norm(p .- points[:, centers[idx_v]]) if distance <= ϵ is_covered = true break end end if !is_covered centers[centers_counter] = idx_p centers_counter += 1 end end return centers end ϵ = 0.2 centers = find_centers( points, ϵ ) ``` --- ```julia function ball(h, k, r) θ = LinRange(0, 2π, 500) h .+ r * sin.(θ), k .+ r * cos.(θ) end scatter(points[1,:], points[2,:]; aspect_ratio=1, label = "points", ms = 2) for i in values(centers) plot!(ball(points[1,i], points[2,i], ϵ), seriestype = [:shape,], lw = 0.5, c = :blue, linecolor = :black, legend = false, fillalpha = 0.1) end ```  --- ```julia function compute_points_covered_by_landmarks( points, centers, ϵ) points_covered_by_landmarks = Dict{Int,Vector{Int}}() for idx_v in keys(centers) points_covered_by_landmarks[idx_v] = Int[] for (idx_p, p) in enumerate(eachcol(points)) distance = norm(p .- points[:,centers[idx_v]]) if distance <= ϵ push!(points_covered_by_landmarks[idx_v], idx_p) end end end return sort(points_covered_by_landmarks) end points_covered_by_landmarks = compute_points_covered_by_landmarks( points, centers, ϵ) ``` --- ```julia function compute_edges(points_covered_by_landmarks) edges = Tuple{Int,Int}[] idxs = collect(keys(points_covered_by_landmarks)) # centers for (i, idx_v) in enumerate(idxs[1:end-1]) p_v = points_covered_by_landmarks[idx_v] for idx_u in idxs[i+1:end] if !isdisjoint( p_v, points_covered_by_landmarks[idx_u]) push!(edges, (idx_v,idx_u)) end end end edges end edges = compute_edges(points_covered_by_landmarks) ``` --- ```julia using RecipesBase @userplot EdgesPlot @recipe function f(gp::EdgesPlot) points, centers, points_covered_by_landmarks = gp.args idxs = collect(values(centers)) aspect_ratio := 1 @series begin seriestype := :scatter points[1,idxs], points[2,idxs] end for (e1,e2) in compute_edges(points_covered_by_landmarks) x1, y1 = points[:,centers[e1]] x2, y2 = points[:,centers[e2]] @series begin color --> :black legend := false [x1, x2], [y1, y2] end end end ``` .footnote[[Daniel Schwabeneder - How do Recipes actually work?](https://daschw.github.io/recipes/)] --- class: center, middle ```julia edgesplot(points, centers, points_covered_by_landmarks) ```  --- ```julia function compute_colors( points, points_covered_by_landmarks) edges = compute_edges(points_covered_by_landmarks) nc = length(keys(points_covered_by_landmarks)) center_colors = collect(1:nc) for i in 1:nc for (e1,e2) in edges center_colors[e2] = center_colors[e1] end end n = size(points, 2) colors = zeros(Int, n) for c in keys(centers) for (e1, e2) in edges colors[points_covered_by_landmarks[c]] .= center_colors[c] end end colors end colors = compute_colors( points, points_covered_by_landmarks) ``` --- ```julia scatter(points[1,:], points[2, :], group = colors, aspect_ratio=1, legend = false) ```  --- # TDA algorithms * Cluster merging phase using density map. * Use of topological persistence to guide the merging of clusters. [Ripserer.jl](https://mtsch.github.io/Ripserer.jl/dev/generated/stability/) [TDA example in Julia](https://github.com/pnavaro/IntroToTDA.jl/blob/main/Trees_In_Philly_Old_City.ipynb) [Steve Oudot et al - Topological Mode Analysis Tool](https://geometrica.saclay.inria.fr/data/Steve.Oudot/clustering/) --- .cols[ .fifty[ ```julia n = length(f) v = sortperm(f, rev = true) # sort vertices using f sort!(f, rev = true) # sort f v_inv = Dict(zip(v, 1:n)) G = [[v_inv[i] for i in subset] for subset in graph[v]] 𝒰 = IntDisjointSets(n) for i = eachindex(v) 𝒩 = [j for j in G[i] if j < i] if length(𝒩) != 0 g = 𝒩[argmax(view(f, 𝒩))] e_i = find_root!(𝒰, g) e_i = union!(𝒰, e_i, i) for j in 𝒩 e_j = find_root!(𝒰, j) if e_i != e_j && min(f[e_i], f[e_j]) <= f[i] + τ if f[e_j] <= f[e_i] e_i = union!(𝒰, e_i, e_j) else e_i = union!(𝒰, e_j, e_i) end end end end end ``` ] .fifty[  [Chazal, F., Guibas, L. J., Oudot, S. Y., and Skraba, P. 2011. Persistence-Based Clustering in Riemannian Manifolds. J. ACM 60, 6, Article A (January 2013)](https://geometrica.saclay.inria.fr/data/Steve.Oudot/clustering/jacm_oudot.pdf) ] ] .footnote[[ClusteringToMaTo.jl](https://github.com/pnavaro/ClusteringToMATo.jl)] --- class: center, middle # Noisy data clustering with unions of ellipsoids  C. Brécheteau & P. Navaro - [GeometricClusterAnalysis.jl](https://github.com/pnavaro/GeometricClusterAnalysis.jl) (work in progress) ---