How to Contribute

How to Contribute

Here's an outline of the workflow you should use if you want to make contributions to Splittings.

  1. Fork Splittings
  2. Make a new branch on your fork, named after whatever changes you'll be making
  3. Apply your code changes to the branch on your fork
  4. When you're done, submit a PR to Splittings to merge your fork into Splittings's master branch.

Add a new feature

Adding new functions to a Julia package is not easy because you must reload the package to test your code. The best way is to run julia in Splittings directory in pkg mode and activate the package:

julia> pwd()

(v1.0) pkg> activate .

(Splittings) pkg>

Write your program in test directory and add an include line in the file runtests.jl. Just type test in the Julia console.

(Splittings) pkg> test
   Testing Splittings
 Resolving package versions...

When it is finished you can move your functions in src directory and just keep the test.