Rotation of a gaussian distribution

Rotation of a gaussian distribution


\[\frac{df}{dt} + (y \frac{df}{dx} - x \frac{df}{dy}) = 0\]
import Splittings: advection!, UniformMesh
import Splittings: @Magic, CubicSpline
using Plots
function with_bsl(tf::Float64, nt::Int)

   n1, n2 = 32, 64
   mesh1 = UniformMesh(-π, π, n1)
   mesh2 = UniformMesh(-π, π, n2)
   x = mesh1.points
   y = mesh2.points

   dt = tf/nt

   f = zeros(Float64,(n1,n2))

   for (i, xp) in enumerate(x), (j, yp) in enumerate(y)
       xn = cos(tf)*xp - sin(tf)*yp
       yn = sin(tf)*xp + cos(tf)*yp
       f[i,j] = exp(-(xn-1)*(xn-1)/0.2)*exp(-(yn-1)*(yn-1)/0.2)

   anim = @animate for n=1:nt

	   @Magic(advection!( f,  mesh1,  y, dt, CubicSpline(), 1),
		    advection!( f,  mesh2, -x, dt, CubicSpline(), 2)



with_bsl (generic function with 1 method)
@time f = with_bsl( 2π, 6)
GKS: invalid bitmap size
GKS: invalid bitmap size
GKS: invalid bitmap size
GKS: invalid bitmap size
GKS: invalid bitmap size
GKS: invalid bitmap size
┌ Info: Saved animation to
└   fn = "/Users/travis/build/pnavaro/Splittings.jl/docs/build/examples/rotanim.gif"
  5.761303 seconds (5.17 M allocations: 237.515 MiB, 2.76% gc time)

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