You have two types of particle:
Uchiyama particle model
Hard sphere
and two types of boundary condition:
In order to get started, just add the package (with Julia ≥ 1.3) and
julia> pkg'add'
julia> using Uchiyama
using Plots
using Random
using Uchiyama
n = 50 # number of particles
ϵ = 0.02
c = trunc(Int, 200ϵ) # marker size
rng = MersenneTwister(1234)
particles = SquareParticles(rng, n, ϵ, option = :box)
pc = ParticleCollisions(particles)
bc = BoxCollisions(particles)
steps = 1000
anim = @animate for _ in 1:steps
dt = step!(particles, pc, bc)
p = plot(size = (200,200),
xlims = (-0.5,0.5),
ylims = (-0.5,0.5),
grid = false,
axis = nothing, framestyle= :box, legend=false, widen = false)
scatter!( getindex.(particles.q,1) .- getindex.(particles.q,2),
getindex.(particles.q,2) .+ getindex.(particles.q,1),
markershape = :square,
markersize = c,
aspect_ratio = :equal)
end every 10
gif(anim, joinpath(@__DIR__, "event_driven.gif"), fps = 10)