Parallel Computation

This notebook objective is to learn how to parallelize application with Python

Parallel computers

  • Multiprocessor/multicore: several processors work on data stored in shared memory
  • Cluster: several processor/memory units work together by exchanging data over a network
  • Co-processor: a general-purpose processor delegates specific tasks to a special-purpose processor (GPU)

Parallel Programming

  • Decomposition of the complete task into independent subtasks and the data flow between them.
  • Distribution of the subtasks over the processors minimizing the total execution time.
  • For clusters: distribution of the data over the nodes minimizing the communication time.
  • For multiprocessors: optimization of the memory access patterns minimizing waiting times.
  • Synchronization of the individual processes.


from time import sleep
def f(x):
    return x*x
L = list(range(8))
%time sum(f(x) for x in L)
%time sum(map(f,L))


multiprocessing is a package that supports spawning processes.

We can use it to display how many concurrent processes you can launch on your computer.

from multiprocessing import cpu_count



The concurrent.futures module provides a high-level interface for asynchronously executing callables.

The asynchronous execution can be performed with: - threads, using ThreadPoolExecutor, - separate processes, using ProcessPoolExecutor. Both implement the same interface, which is defined by the abstract Executor class.

concurrent.futures can’t launch processes on windows. Windows users must install loky.

from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from time import sleep, time

def f(x):
    return x*x

L = list(range(8))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    begin = time()
    with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:

        result = sum(, L))
    end = time()
    print(f"result = {result} and time = {end-begin}")
import sys
  • ProcessPoolExecutor launches one slave process per physical core on the computer.
  • divides the input list into chunks and puts the tasks (function + chunk) on a queue.
  • Each slave process takes a task (function + a chunk of data), runs map(function, chunk), and puts the result on a result list.
  • on the master process waits until all tasks are handled and returns the concatenation of the result lists.
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:

    results = sum(, L))

Thread and Process: Differences

  • A process is an instance of a running program.

  • Process may contain one or more threads, but a thread cannot contain a process.

  • Process has a self-contained execution environment. It has its own memory space.

  • Application running on your computer may be a set of cooperating processes.

  • Process don’t share its memory, communication between processes implies data serialization.

  • A thread is made of and exist within a process; every process has at least one thread.

  • Multiple threads in a process share resources, which helps in efficient communication between threads.

  • Threads can be concurrent on a multi-core system, with every core executing the separate threads simultaneously.

The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

  • The Python interpreter is not thread safe.
  • A few critical internal data structures may only be accessed by one thread at a time. Access to them is protected by the GIL.
  • Attempts at removing the GIL from Python have failed until now. The main difficulty is maintaining the C API for extension modules.
  • Multiprocessing avoids the GIL by having separate processes which each have an independent copy of the interpreter data structures.
  • The price to pay: serialization of tasks, arguments, and results.

Parallelize text files downloads

  • Victor Hugo
  • Marcel Proust
  • Emile Zola
  • Stendhal

Exercise 6.1

Use ThreadPoolExecutor to parallelize the code above.

%mkdir books
import urllib.request as url
source = ""  # ""
url.urlretrieve(source+"books/hugo.txt",     filename="books/hugo.txt")
url.urlretrieve(source+"books/proust.txt",   filename="books/proust.txt")
url.urlretrieve(source+"books/zola.txt",     filename="books/zola.txt")
url.urlretrieve(source+"books/stendhal.txt", filename="books/stendhal.txt")


from glob import glob
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import itemgetter
from itertools import chain
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def mapper(filename):
    " split text to list of key/value pairs (word,1)"

    with open(filename) as f:
        data =
    data = data.strip().replace(".","").lower().split()
    return sorted([(w,1) for w in data])

def partitioner(mapped_values):
    """ get lists from mapper and create a dict with
    res = defaultdict(list)
    for w, c in mapped_values:
    return res.items()

def reducer( item ):
    """ Compute words occurences from dict computed
    by partioner
    w, v = item
    return (w,len(v))

Parallel map

  • Let’s improve the mapper function by print out inside the function the current process name.


import multiprocessing as mp
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

def process_name(n):
    " prints out the current process name "
    print(f"{mp.current_process().name} ")

with ProcessPoolExecutor() as e:
    _ =, range(mp.cpu_count()))

Exercise 6.2

  • Modify the mapper function by adding this print.

Parallel reduce

  • For parallel reduce operation, data must be aligned in a container. We already created a partitioner function that returns this container.

Exercise 6.3

Write a parallel program that uses the three functions above using ThreadPoolExecutor. It reads all the “sample*.txt” files. Map and reduce steps are parallel.

Increase volume of data

Due to the proxy, code above is not runnable on workstations

Getting the data

  • The Latin Library contains a huge collection of freely accessible Latin texts. We get links on the Latin Library’s homepage ignoring some links that are not associated with a particular author.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup  # web scraping library
from urllib.request import *

base_url = ""
home_content = urlopen(base_url)

soup = BeautifulSoup(home_content, "lxml")
author_page_links = soup.find_all("a")
author_pages = [ap["href"] for i, ap in enumerate(author_page_links) if i < 49]

Download webpages content

from urllib.error import HTTPError

num_pages = 100

for i, bl in enumerate(book_links[:num_pages]):
    print("Getting content " + str(i + 1) + " of " + str(num_pages), end="\r", flush=True)
        content = urlopen(base_url + bl["href"]).read()
        with open(f"book-{i:03d}.dat","wb") as f:
    except HTTPError as err:
        print("Unable to retrieve " + bl["href"] + ".")

Extract data files

  • I already put the content of pages in files named book-*.txt
  • You can extract data from the archive by running the cell below
import os  # library to get directory and file paths
import tarfile # this module makes possible to read and write tar archives

def extract_data():
    datadir = os.path.join('data','latinbooks')
    if not os.path.exists(datadir):
       print("Extracting data...")
       tar_path = os.path.join('data', 'latinbooks.tgz')
       with, mode='r:gz') as books:
extract_data() # this function call will extract text files in data/latinbooks

Read data files

from glob import glob
files = glob('book*.dat')
texts = list()
for file in files:
    with open(file,'rb') as f:
        text =

Extract the text from html and split the text at periods to convert it into sentences.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

sentences = list()

for i, text in enumerate(texts):
    print("Document " + str(i + 1) + " of " + str(len(texts)), end="\r", flush=True)
    textSoup = BeautifulSoup(text, "lxml")
    paragraphs = textSoup.find_all("p", attrs={"class":None})
    prepared = ("".join([p.text.strip().lower() for p in paragraphs[1:-1]]))
    for t in prepared.split("."):
        part = "".join([c for c in t if c.isalpha() or c.isspace()])

# print first and last sentence to check the results

Exercise 6.4

Parallelize this last process using concurrent.futures.
