Dask bag

Dask proposes “big data” collections with a small set of high-level primitives like map, filter, groupby, and join. With these common patterns we can often handle computations that are more complex than map, but are still structured.

Related Documentation

data = list(range(1,9))
import dask.bag as db

b = db.from_sequence(data)
b.compute()  # Gather results back to local process
b.map(lambda x : x//2).compute() # compute length of each element and collect results
from time import sleep

def slow_half( x):
    return x // 2

res = b.map(slow_half)
b.product(b).compute() # Cartesian product of each pair 
# of elements in two sequences (or the same sequence in this case)

Chain operations to construct more complex computations

(b.filter(lambda x: x % 2 > 0)
  .filter( lambda v : v[0] % v[1] == 0 and v[0] != v[1])

Daily stock example

Let’s use the bag interface to read the json files containing time series.

Each line is a JSON encoded dictionary with the following keys - timestamp: Day. - close: Stock value at the end of the day. - high: Highest value. - low: Lowest value. - open: Opening price.

# preparing data
import os  # library to get directory and file paths
import tarfile # this module makes possible to read and write tar archives

def extract_data(name, where):
    datadir = os.path.join(where,name)
    if not os.path.exists(datadir):
       print("Extracting data...")
       tar_path = os.path.join(where, name+'.tgz')
       with tarfile.open(tar_path, mode='r:gz') as data:
extract_data('daily-stock','data') # this function call will extract json files
%ls data/daily-stock/*.json
import dask.bag as db
import json
stocks = db.read_text('data/daily-stock/*.json')
import json
js = stocks.map(json.loads)
import os, sys
from glob import glob
import pandas as pd
import json

here = os.getcwd() # get the current directory
filenames = sorted(glob(os.path.join(here,'data', 'daily-stock', '*.json')))
!rm data/daily-stock/*.h5
from tqdm import tqdm
for fn in tqdm(filenames):
    with open(fn) as f:
        data = [json.loads(line) for line in f]
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    out_filename = fn[:-5] + '.h5'
    df.to_hdf(out_filename, '/data')
filenames = sorted(glob(os.path.join(here,'data', 'daily-stock', '*.h5')))

Serial version

series = {}
for fn in filenames:   # Simple map over filenames
    series[fn] = pd.read_hdf(fn)['close']

results = {}

for a in filenames:    # Doubly nested loop over the same collection
    for b in filenames:  
        if a != b:     # Filter out bad elements
            results[a, b] = series[a].corr(series[b])  # Apply function

((a, b), corr) = max(results.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1])  # Reduction
a, b, corr

Dask.bag methods

We can construct most of the above computation with the following dask.bag methods:

  • collection.map(function): apply function to each element in collection
  • collection.product(collection): Create new collection with every pair of inputs
  • collection.filter(predicate): Keep only elements of colleciton that match the predicate function
  • collection.max(): Compute maximum element

import dask.bag as db

b = db.from_sequence(filenames)
series = b.map(lambda fn: pd.read_hdf(fn)['close'])

corr = (series.product(series)
              .filter(lambda ab: not (ab[0] == ab[1]).all())
              .map(lambda ab: ab[0].corr(ab[1])).max())

result = corr.compute()

Wordcount with Dask bag

import lorem

for i in range(20):
    with open(f"sample{i:02d}.txt","w") as f:
%ls *.txt
import glob
import dask.bag as db
import glob
b = db.read_text(glob.glob('sample*.txt'))

wordcount = (b.str.replace(".","")  # remove dots
             .str.lower()           # lower text
             .str.strip()           # remove \n and trailing spaces
             .str.split()           # split into words
             .flatten()             # chain all words lists
             .frequencies()         # compute occurences
             .topk(10, lambda x: x[1])) # sort and return top 10 words

wordcount.compute() # Run all tasks and return result

Genome example

We will use a Dask bag to calculate the frequencies of sequences of five bases, and then sort the sequences into descending order ranked by their frequency.

  • First we will define some functions to split the bases into sequences of a certain size

Exercise 9.1

  • Implement a function group_characters(line, n=5) to group n characters together and return a iterator. line is a text line in genome.txt file.
>>> line = "abcdefghijklmno"
>>> for seq in group_character(line, 5):
  • Implement group_and_split(line)
>>> group_and_split('abcdefghijklmno')
['abcde', 'fghij', 'klmno']
  • Use the dask bag to compute the frequencies of sequences of five bases.

Exercise 9.2

The FASTA file format is used to write several genome sequences.

  • Create a function that can read a FASTA file and compute the frequencies for n = 5 of a given sequence.
%%file testset.fasta


Exercise 9.3

Write a program that uses the function implemented above to read several FASTA files stored in a Dask bag.

%cat data/genome.txt

Some remarks about bag

  • Higher level dask collections include functions for common patterns
  • Move data to collection, construct lazy computation, trigger at the end
  • Use Dask.bag (product + map) to handle nested for loop

Bags have the following known limitations

  1. Bag operations tend to be slower than array/dataframe computations in the same way that Python tends to be slower than NumPy/Pandas

  2. Bag.groupby is slow. You should try to use Bag.foldby if possible.

  3. Check the API

  4. dask.dataframe can be faster than dask.bag. But sometimes it is easier to load and clean messy data with a bag. We will see later how to transform a bag into a dask.dataframe with the to_dataframe method.