Février 2023#
Bonjour, j’espère que tout le monde va bien. Voici les nouveautés du mois de février. John Myles-White a demandé à ChatGPT son avis sur Julia et voici ce que cela donne. Je me suis aussi aperçu furtivement dans cette vidéo ^_^
Billets de blog#
MultiObjectiveAlgorithms.jl: Collection of algorithms for multi-objective optimization.
BridgeStan.jl: efficient in-memory access through Python, Julia, and R to the methods of a Stan model.
CamiMath.jl: Mathematics library with integer-overflow protection.
Tidier.jl: Julia implementation of the R tidyverse mini-language.
PairPlots.jl: Beautiful and flexible vizualizations of high dimensional data.
Delaunator.jl: Library for Delaunay triangulation of 2D points.
Polymers.jl: Polymers Modeling Library.
PredefinedDynamicalSystems.jl: Collection of predefined dynamical systems for DynamicalSystems.jl.
SymbolicRegression.jl/: Distributed High-Performance symbolic regression in Julia.
GenLinearAlgebra.jl: Linear algebra on an arbitrary field or ring.
TinyKernels.jl: Tiny abstraction for GPU kernels, currently supporting CUDA (Nvidia) and ROCm (AMD) backends.
DiffusionMap.jl: Diffusion maps for non-linear dimensionality reduction / manifold learning.
StaticArrayInterface.jl: Interface designs for enforcing static computations in array functions with Julia.
Survey.jl: Analysis of complex surveys.
ClusterDepth.jl: Fast implementation of the ClusterDepth multiple comparison algorithm from Frossard and Renaud.
ThreeBodyProblem.jl: An astrodynamics package for working in the three body problem.
UnitParser.jl: Simple units parser for julia.
SymbolicGA.jl: Geometric algebra transformations at compile-time.
ConformalPrediction.jl: Predictive Uncertainty Quantification through Conformal Prediction for Machine Learning models trained in MLJ.
SeparableFunctions.jl: Calculates multidimensional functions faster by exploiting their separability.
Xicor.jl: An implementation of the Xi Correlation coefficient and hypothesis test.
SingleCellProjections.jl: Analysis of Single Cell Expression data in Julia.
AlgebraicInference.jl: Compositional Bayesian inference.
Tutoriels, Documentation#
An Introduction to the Julia Programming Language: Pluto Notebooks for Julia workshop from American Astronomical Society’s winter meeting.
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