Février 2025#

Bonjour, voici les nouvelles du mois de février avec un peu de retard.

Bonne journée !

Billets de blog et Articles#


  • AlternateVectors.jl Useful array representations for peculiar one dimensional arrays patterns.

  • Chevrons.jl Syntax tool for piping data through multiple transformations.

  • Hydrograd.jl Computational hydraulics modeling with automatic differentiation.

  • JACC.jl CPU/GPU parallel performance portable layer in Julia via functions as arguments.

  • Matroids.jl Matroids for Julia.

  • NeuroTreeModels.jl Differentiable tree-based models for tabular data.

  • OperationsResearchModels.jl Package for operations research subjects.

  • ReactiveBayes Reactive, efficient and scalable Bayesian inference.

  • Ribasim Hydrological software, modeling surface water systems with graphs.

  • TSFrames.jl Timeseries in Julia.

  • TumorGrowth.jl Simple predictive models for tumor growth, and tools to apply them to clinical data.

  • VortexStepMethod.jl Aerodynamic models of 3D wings using the Vortex Step Method.


Tutoriels, Documentation, Livres, Supports de cours…#

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