Décembre 2024#
Je vous souhaite mes meilleurs voeux pour l’année 2025.
Billets de blog et Articles#
DocumenterInterLinks.jl A plugin for Documenter.jl that enables linking between projects.
DocumenterQuarto.jl Build documentation for your Julia package with Quarto!
DynamicDiff.jl Fast symbolic derivatives of runtime-generated expressions.
EnumSets.jl Fast sets containing enum values.
Finch.jl Sparse and Structured Tensor Compiler.
FiniteContinuedFractions.jl Implements an alternative to the built-in Rational type. Based on the concept of finite simple continued fractions.
FLOWVPM.jl Meshless large eddy simulation through the reformulated vortex particle method.
FourierTools.jl Tools for working with Fourier space.
JACC.jl CPU/GPU parallel performance portable layer in Julia via functions as arguments.
JuliaConnectoR A functionally oriented interface for calling Julia from R.
Metida.jl Fit mixed-effects models with flexible random/repeated covariance structure.
MiniObserve.jl Minimalist (and minimally intrusive) macro set for extracting information from complex objects.
PackageMaker.jl GUI for PkgTemplates.jl: « Creating new Julia packages, the easy way » - made a bit simpler.
P2DE.jl Simple PDE solvers in 2D for research and educational purposes.
Reactant.jl Optimize Julia Functions With MLIR and XLA for High-Performance Execution on CPU, GPU, TPU and more.
RollingWindowArrays.jl Flexible and efficient rolling window operations.
SixelTerm.jl Inline graphics in the REPL using Sixel.
Speculator.jl Reduce latency through speculative compilation.
SplineGrids.jl Evaluating splines of arbitrary dimensionality on a grid.
StartUpDG.jl Initializes and sets up reference elements and physical meshes for nodal discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods.
StateSpaceAnalysis.jl Parameter estimation of Linear-Gaussian state-space models, specialized for neuroimaging analysis.
TidyTest.jl An
implementation and a helper macro for test execution with auto discovery and a neater test summary.TrixiParticles.jl Particle-based multiphysics simulations.
TypstJlyfish.jl Integrate Julia computations in your Typst document.
YAXArrays.jl Yet Another XArray-like Julia package.
Tutoriels, Documentation, Livres, Supports de cours…#
Survey of the packages of the Julia ecosystem for solving partial differential equations
Solving Nonlinear Equations with Iterative Methods: Solvers and Examples in Julia
JuliaCon24 Workshop: Hands-on with Julia for HPC on GPUs and CPUs
The Julia Language for Productive High-Performance Computing Tutorial @ Supercomputing 2024
Comprehensive guide to generative AI projects and resources in Julia