Mars 2024#
Il n’y a pas de wébinaire le mois prochain. Au « Grenoble Artificial Intelligence for Physical Sciences Workshop” (GAP2024) Chris Rackauckas fera un tutoriel Julia. La rencontre aura lieu du 29 au 31 mai à Grenoble.
Il y a un nouveau package pour générer la documentation, il s’appelle DocumenterVitepress.jl. C’est assez joli, vous pouvez voir un exemple avec PairPlots.jl ou Beautiful Makie. J’ai essayé de l’utiliser mais j’ai beaucoup de souci d’installation des packages javascript…
L’Université de Montpellier recrute une ou un ingénieur de recherche en calcul scientifique. La connaissance du language de programmation Julia est un plus.
Billets de blog#
AlgebraicGeometricModeling : packages for Algebraic Computation and Geometric Modeling.
AstroNbodySim.jl : unitful and differentiable gravitational N-body simulation code in Julia.
Chairmarks.jl : measures performance hundreds of times faster than BenchmarkTools without compromising on accuracy.
DifferentiationInterface.jl : an interface to various automatic differentiation backends.
ExaModels.jl : an algebraic modeling and automatic differentiation tool, specialized for SIMD abstraction of nonlinear programs.
FastLapackInterface.jl : separates workspace allocation and actual running for some Lapack algorithms.
EcologicalNetworksDynamics.jl : a simulator for ecological dynamics.
FFTIndexing.jl : indexing objects for working with Fourier transforms.
IncrementalSVD.jl : incrementally compute an approximate truncated singular value decomposition.
MadNLP.jl : a solver for nonlinear programming.
MultiPrecisionArrays.jl : provides data structures and solvers for several variants of iterative refinement.
PAndQ.jl : a computer algebra system for propositional logic.
ParticleDA.jl : package to perform data assimilation with particle filters.
REPLSmuggler.jl : send code to your Julia REPL.
SIMDMathFunctions.jl : fast vectorized mathematical functions for SIMD.jl , using SLEEFPirates.jl.
StableDistributions.jl : generation and estimation of stable distributions.
TrixiParticles.jl : particle-based multiphysics simulations.
WGPUCompute.jl : Array interface for WGPU.
WriteDocx.jl : package to create docx files for Microsoft Word from scratch.